Dispy PreMil VII: How We Got Here

The Bible is meant to be understood and we are also meant to look into the future with absolute confidence that God will vindicate His name, build His kingdom, fulfill His promises and rescue His people. To that end, let’s take a quick trip through history.

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Dispy PreMil V: Israel is the Issue

Israel is the issue.

We will not get our eschatology right until we get Israel right. The Bible is abundantly clear on the topic, both implicitly and explicitly. It is up to us to remove interpretive lenses and see past tradition to hear what the Bible has been clearly saying all along.

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Dispy PreMil IV: 3 Implications

Perhaps the most common reinterpretation of scripture comes by identifying the New Testament Church as the real, true Israel and subsequently reinterpreting Old Testament passages about Israel as allegorically referring to the Church.

I want to point out three serious and necessary implications of holding such a position.

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